George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor
Electrical and Systems Engineering
Computer and Information Science
Co-director, Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences
Office: Amy Gutmann Hall, 507
Research Areas
- Mechanism Design
- Auction Theory
- Pricing
- Game Theory
2023: The INFORMS Fredrick W. Lanchester Prize
2020: The ACM SIGecom Test of Time award
2017: Kravis Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in Economics, University of Pennsylvania
2015: WINE (Web and Internet Economics) Best Paper Award (joint with Sepher Assadi, Sanjeev
Khanna and Yang Li)
2014: Elected Fellow of the Game Theory Society
2012: Top Core Professor, Kellogg Executive Masters Program, class # 86
2012: Fellow, ESEI Center for Market Design, University of Zurich
2011: Economic Theory Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory