Elihu Katz Professor of Communication, Sociology, and Engineering

Annenberg School for Communication

Computer and Information Science

Director, Network Dynamics Group

Office: Annenberg School for Communication

Research Areas

  • Social Networks and Behavior Change


2019: Harrison White Outstanding Book Award, American Sociological Association.

2018: Best Paper Award for “Bipartisan Social Networks Reduce Political Bias in the Interpretation of Climate Trends.” The International Conference on Computational Social Science, Northwestern University.

2017: James Coleman Award for Outstanding Article of the Rationality and Society Section of the American Sociological Association

2016: Fellow, Wharton Mack Institute

2014–15: Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University

2014–15: Fellow, Lenore Annenberg and Wallis Annenberg Endowment for Communication

2014: Awarded US Patent (#8713143) for inventing “A method of creating social networks designed to facilitate diffusion of desired behavior among groups of people.”


ChatGPT Influence on Medical Decision-Making, Bias, and Equity: A Randomized Study of Clinicians Evaluating Clinical Vignettes
Experimental evidence for structured information–sharing networks reducing medical errors
Scaling Up Change: A Critical Review and Practical Guide to Harnessing Social Norms for Climate Action



Calvin Isch