
Computer and Information Science

Office: Amy Gutmann Hall, 420C

Research Areas

  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing Methods for Psychology and Medical Research


2019: Alan I. Leshner Leader Leadership Institute Public Engagement Fellow


The Illusion of Empathy: How AI Chatbots Shape Conversation Perception
Disparities by Race and Urbanicity in Online Health Care Facility Reviews
Exploring a Language-Based Interest Assessment: Predicting Vocational Interests on Social Media Using Natural Language Processing



Vitoria Aquino Guardieiro

Yihao Li

Shreya Havaldar (co-advised with Eric Wong)

Farica Zhuang (co-advised with Yoseph Barash)

Young-Min Cho (co-advised with Sharath Chandra Guntuku)

Neil Sehgal (co-advised with Sharath Chandra Guntuku)