Associate Professor

Computer and Information Science

Office: Levine Hall, 576

Research Areas

  • Real-time/Embedded Systems
  • Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
  • Distributed Systems
  • Security


2023: Best Paper, RAGE

2020: Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching

2018: NSF CAREER Award

2018: Outstanding Paper Award, Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium

2009: Dean’s Graduate Research Excellence Award, NUS Singapore


A convolutional autoencoder architecture for robust network intrusion detection in embedded systems
Path Structured Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge for Probabilistic Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software
Object-oriented Unified Encrypted Memory Management for Heterogeneous Memory Architectures



Yifan Cai

Karan Newatia (co-advised with Andreas Haeberlen)

Dagaen Golomb

Abigail Eisenklam (co-advised with Andreas Haeberlen)